Catalogue of the exhibition 1st Contemporary Flax and Linen Biennale
1996 - presented in 3 different places in Upper-Normandy - France
- Lin-Minuscule in the Linen Museum in Routot
- Lin-Majuscule in the Regional Council of Upper-Normandy in Rouen
- Blancs, Transparences, Lumières in Notre-Dame du Bec-Hellouin Abbey


1997 - Bibliothèque Forney in Paris - France
1997 - Textile Museum in Fourmies - France
1998 - Musée Marsil in Saint-Lambert - Québec

The 1st Contemporary Flax and Linen Biennale enterd in a process of reconquest of the collective memory and provides us the opportunity to make the point on the Textile Art of today.

For this exhibition, great international artists consented to the game of materials, themes and formats, structuring the presentation of their works in 3 different places :

Lin-Minuscule : Linen Museum in Routot
In the linen museum in Routot, the linen in all its states appears MINUSCULE, a very current tendency, intime and precious that privileges small formats. Here the linen is matter to create : seed, fibre, cloth, paint, oil, filtre paper, cigarette paper, bible paper... It is also matter to dream when it proceeds by evocation, image, puns.
Linen Museum in Routot
Lin-MAJUSCULE :Regional Council of Upper-Normandy in Rouen
In the Regional Council of Upper-Normandy, the linen is CAPITAL, banners and totems of the present time, majestic and huge works, destined for monumental and public places.
Marie-Thé HERBIN
WHITES - TRANSPARENCIES - LIGHT : Notre-Dame du Bec-Hellouin Abbey
Notre-Dame du Bec-Hellouin Abbey In the Notre-Dame du Bec-Hellouin Abbey, WHITES - TRANSPARENCIES - LIGHT presents both linen works and works of artists whose thought and concept of creation are particularly in harmony with the spirituality of the place : a disobedient art made of crossing, superpositions, putting of the light in space in order to talk about moments of life, the perception of the world and the creative force, beyonf all fragilities.
Left : Dorothea Reese-Heim, right : Hiromi Murotani

The linen, patrimonial wealth, queen-fibre of the Upper-Normandy, has given to artists of this Biennale, an original and privileged way to give to see their emotions, transmuted in a new aesthetic.

And if one believes the important number of fils received - over 700 - this exhibition was a hoped event, waited by artists, and its future seems thus promising.

Bibliothèque Forney in Paris - France
Poster of the exhibition
List of the artists
Julia Atkinson - Francine Barry-Fardouet - Catherine Beloni - Théa Bernard - Pilvi Blankin-Salmin - Archie Brennan - Diana Brennan - Sally Brokensha - Mariza Bronzini - Miroslav Broos - Wlodzimierz Cygan - Leah Danberg - Alejandro de Lara Sanchez - Luc Druez - Françoise Ducret - Félicia Ducroquet - Olöf Einarsdottir - Jehanne-Marie Ferrer - Jocelyne Fortin - Thieri Foulc - Shihoko Fukumoto - Danny Gauthier - José Thomas Gonzales Lara - Marie-Thérèse Herbin - Cindy Hickok - Young Hee Hong - Louise Jamet - Raija Jokinen - Frans Peter Valbjorn Knudsen - Robert Lamarre - Catherine Le-Hoa - Wanda Mc Pherson - Assadour Markarov - Verjinia Markarov - Susan Martin-Maffei - Ruth Moro - Goro Nagano - Kazuyo Onoyama - Claire Ostiguy - Naomi Ota - Maïja Paavola - Yvonne Pacanovsky-Bobrowicz - Frédérique Petit - Jurate Petruskeviciene - Simone Pheulpin - Anne Picaud - Ulle Raadik - Edith Raymond - Ariette Ricaud - Zydré Ridulyte - Diane Roy - Jolanta Rudzka Habisiak - Eli Samson - Geneviève Schwartz - Barbara Shawcroft - Norman D. Sherfield - Carol Shinn - Anna Siegel - Kang Soon-Yul - Léa Stansal - Marcie Stone - Kumiko Takahashi - Christiane Treillou - Susan Tuckett - Jurate Urbiene - Françoise Vincent - Dimitri Vontzos - Zabu Wahlen - Jane Whedbee - Natacha Wolters
Carole Baillargeon - James Bassler - Kerstin Bergman - Geneviève Besse - Pilvi Blankin-Salmin - Lia Cook - Shihoko Fukumoto - Tone Hellerud - Marie-Thérèse Herbin - Silvia Heuden - Patrice Hugues - Asako Ishizaki - Ritzi Jacobi - Hildur Jonsson - Marie-Rose Lortet - Katrin Pere - Claudine Peters-Ropsy - Jolanta Rudzka Habisiak - Peteris Sidars - Barbara Lee Smith - Kumiko Takahashi - Marga Ximenez - Teruyoshi Yoshida
Carole Bertin - Betty Boulez-Cuykx - Mariel Clarmont - Bernard Foucher - Sonia Gerber - Marja Hakala - Gjertrud Hals - Charlotte Herben - Odon - Kaarina Kellomaki - Eva Konigseder - Janet Ledsham - Catherine Lê Hoa - Nora Levai - Gilian Little - Marie-Claire Meier - Edith Meusnier - Iveta Mihalikova - Hiromi Murotani - Yvonne Pacanovsky-Bobrowicz - Simone Pheulpin - Dorothea Reese-Heim - Dom Robert - Annaliisa Troberg - Fanny Viollet - Natacha Wolters